
Erik Laurinovics, Attorney at Law, represents individual and small business clients in diverse practice areas, primarily on issues related to business law, employment law, and contract drafting, review, and analysis. While those practice areas may be the focus of the firm, Erik is always willing to meet potential clients who are interested in discussing legal issues; even if he is unable to assist with a particular issue, Erik has a robust network of professional colleagues who may be able to provide assistance.

The firm’s mission is to provide diligent and thorough representation, and to aggressively represent a client’s best interests while focusing on civility and facilitating constructive exchanges between parties. Erik is committed to a more collaborative approach to help empower and educate clients to take control during pivotal moments in their lives.

Communication between attorney and client is always critical, and Erik focuses on explaining, in clear and concise terms, the general strategies that will be utilized in representation as well as the legal reasons underlying those decisions. Erik is proud to offer legal services in a cost-effective manner while providing superior standards of representation for clients, and his commitment to this collaborative approach will help bring your case to a successful conclusion.