Attorney Profile

Erik Laurinovics is a California native and has lived in San Diego for approximately 20 years. A 2006 graduate of UC San Diego, Erik was an experienced sales professional and continued to work full-time through law school, specializing in sales of office virtualization technology and legal practice management solutions, prior to graduating Thomas Jefferson School of Law and gaining
admission to the California Bar in 2016.

While attending law school at Thomas Jefferson, Erik transitioned to the legal team of Abacus Data Systems. Although working with the General Counsel of a large corporation was rewarding, Erik always most enjoyed working with clients and had a strong desire to open his own law practice to provide legal services to the San Diego community with the same drive, commitment, and thoroughness that he always provided in a corporate environment.

As a former sales professional and Associate General Counsel to a 200-plus employee corporation, Erik has a varied background which provides for greater perspective than a simple legal analysis of a client’s issues. This broader perspective produces efficient and effective dialogue between parties and opposing counsel, and helps ensure that a client’s needs and best interests are served. With significant experience in negotiating complex, high-value business opportunities and resolving contract disputes, Erik draws from his experience to provide superior advocacy and negotiating skills throughout the course representation.

In 2017, Erik formed his practice, focusing primarily on providing general counsel services to small businesses and entrepreneurs and employment law matters. Those areas of law remain the primary focus of the firm today, though Erik is always willing to consult on any legal questions or challenges that may face individuals or small businesses in our community.