Employment Law

Erik Laurinovics, Attorney at Law, represents both employers and employees when labor laws or other employment laws are violated. Erik is an aggressive advocate and will assist with negotiations as well as litigation.

Services for Employers

Erik’s attention to detail and experience as an Associate General Counsel of a corporation help him  effectively assist employers in protecting themselves from liability while ensuring compliance with labor and employment laws. Services include:

·         DFEH compliance issues, such as harassment or discrimination;

·         Employee handbook creation and compliance review;

·         Creation of policy documents for wages, leave,  hours, confidential information, intellectual property, non-compete, and other types of general policy documents;

·         Offer letters, termination letters, employment agreements, stock option agreements, contractor and consultant agreements;

·         Employment litigation defense and settlement of claims.

Services for Employees

Erik’s professional background and experience helps him provide additional perspective when representing employees whose rights are violated under labor or employment laws. Erik utilizes his corporate experience and background to build strong and effective cases on behalf of his clients, and his methodology, dedication, and assertive representation will protect your best interests and help produce positive results in negotiations or litigation. Services include representation related to:

·         Litigating employee claims for retaliation, discrimination, harassment, and whistleblower actions, and/or wrongful termination or constructive wrongful termination;

·         Violations of wage and hours laws;

·         Employee/executive contract, stock option agreements, and offer letter review.